Conversion into gas fireplace Featured

Painlessly convert your conventional fireplace into an energy gas fireplace

Tired with wood transport especially in high floors and want to have the warmth of the fire with more humanely but also with much higher efficiency?

Another type of upgrade involves the conversion of a conventional fireplace into a gas hob. A provision and connection of natural gas or propane is taking place with an unburned log system, giving the possibility of enjoying the heat and companionship of the fire with the touch of a button.

There is also the possibility of converting your conventional fireplace into an energy gas fireplace with glass with even more great heating features and design

Υπάρχει επίσης, και η δυνατότητα μετατροπής του συμβατικού τζακιού σας σε ενεργειακό τζάκι αερίου με τζάμι με ακόμη πιο μεγάλες δυνατότητες θέρμανσης αλλά και design

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